Private Pilot License

As a private pilot, you fly non-commercially in good weather. You can ad on an Instrument Rating to be able to fly in all kinds of weather. There are no geographical restrictions, the license is valid throughout the world.

As an aspiring pilot you take a theory lessons and practical flying lessons led by a flight instructors. Theory is held on weekends for about 5 - 6 months and flight training is scheduled 7 days a week. During the theory period you normally fly about half of the flying lessons, one or two per week, thereafter you can finish the remaining flight hours fairly quickly. 

PPL is the first module toward a Commercial Pilot License or Airline Pilot License, if this is your goal.


6 - 7 months

Course includes

  • 100 hrs in-class theory
  • 45 hrs flight training

Entry Requirements

  • 18 years or older
  • Passing grades in English, Mathematics & Physics from at least High School, alternatively pass a pre-entry test
  • Medical Class 2

The Small Print

Complete courses are calculated for minimum required flighthours, be aware that you might need more hours to meet required standard for skilltest. See Hourly Rates for prices for extra flight and tutoring hours. Also note that, should you not complete your course within specified course duration, additional costs may apply.

Please read our Terms of Purchase.

Not included in course tuition:


Hard copy books

Pilot material such as headsets, logbooks, rulers etc.



Landing fees abroad (optional)

Handling agents abroad (optional)

Hotel, food and taxi when overnighting during for example IR nav flights (optional)

Authority's certificate fees & Medical

Immigration fees


Private Pilot License

New course starts every spring and fall. Apply in time!